Matrescence on the Continuum of Distress
@PANDANational are pioneering that all parents deserve a community of care, no matter where you sit on the spectrum of perinatal mental health.
Matrescence is a developmental process, it’s universal and all mothers will experience a matrescent period in their life, just as we did in adolescence.
The medical model of our western world can be limiting. There is the celebrated woman (the one who flourishes in motherhood), and then there is the 12-20% of women who meet the criteria for, or have postnatal anxiety or depression.
What about the general middle, roughly 76% of mothers?
I’ve listened to Dr. Aurelie Athan speak about Matrescence along, what she called, ‘the continuum of distress’. She referred to her dissertation and the findings that, at the time, around 12% of new mothers were at each end of the continuum - either in need of psychological support, or flourishing in motherhood. Which leaves majority of women in the middle - not at the clinical ends of the extreme.
What makes it deeply complex is the changes across multiple domains. Some of these domains will be growth producing, others will require support.
What we understand as an OT is that at the intersection of all these domains comes how “well” we adapt. Both intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence this perception.
And so, if we arn’t ‘flourishing’ in motherhood, and we arn’t meeting the criteria for perinatal mood disorders then that can be incredibly disorienting, and perhaps that’s where the guilt and shame kicks in?
This is why Athan says we need to look at the transition to motherhood with a clinical lens, a developmental lens and with the wellness material to support the ‘general middle’.
Being supported in matrescence, I believe, can improve our experience and perception of our self in motherhood. After all, a developmental phase is considered to be a growth process, bounce forward; not back.
So, if you’re a mother feeling stuck, disorientated, feeling a pull to bounce back… there is support for you. With all the juicy tools to promote your growth.
Reach out for support here or see how we can work together.